Living in God's Two Kingdoms: A Biblical Vision for Christianity and Culture

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Examining the relationship between Christianity and Culture 
"Modern movements such as neo-Calvinism, the New Perspective on Paul, and the emerging church have popularized a view of Christianity and culture that calls for the redemption of earthly society and institutions. Many Christians have reflexively embraced this view, enticed by the socially active and engaged faith it produces.

... (this book) illustrates how a two-kingdoms model of Christianity and culture affirms much of what is compelling in these transformationist movements while remaining faithful to the whole counsel of Scripture.

By focusing on God’s response to each kingdom—his preservation of the civil society and his redemption of the spiritual kingdom—VanDrunen teaches readers how to live faithfully in each sphere. Highlighting vital biblical distinctions between honorable and holy tasks, VanDrunen’s analysis will challenge Christians to be actively and critically engaged in the culture around them while retaining their identities as sojourners and exiles in this world." 
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Lundberg, Karen
I was skeptical to pick up this book, thinking it might be over my head, but found it to be very understandable! This book clearly works through the idea of the "two kingdoms" and how Christians relate to both. The book has many insights into the confusion existing between Christians who are seeking to change this world in comparison with those who see what is temporary (the Noahic covenant) and the Redemptive Kingdom, the Church in particular. Based on what I consider to be sound biblical study, the author reveals the huge difference between the systems designed by God to operate the world in an organized fashion. I have had very little knowledge of this prior to this fine book. What I was suprised about was the inspiring way VanDrunen brings into view the fulfillment in Christ of the Redemptive Kingdom, which is the Church at this point in history. It made me just love Coram Deo in so many ways, and I have come to a much bigger commitment to its ongoing ministry in every respect. The book will definitely challenge what you believe, but will thrill your heart for what you glean! I need to reread it at some later time, just to gather in a few more insights! It is definitely in keeping with the purity of Reformed beliefs, including overtones to an amillennial view of history, which I have come to see as totally viable. Lots of questions remain, but it makes it all the more satisfying to continue to seek truth! Sincerely, KL

8 years ago


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